
What is meant by membership?

Intuitively we understand the progression from visiting a church, to attending a church, to belonging to a church. Membership means embracing a particular local church as your spiritual family and home. A member is one who belongs.

What is the difference between membership in the universal church and membership in a local church? Are both necessary?

You become a member of the universal church when you first believe in Jesus as your Savior, thereby joining the family of believers from all times and all places. Membership in a local church means belonging to a specific body of believers in a specific place and time. Biblically, membership in the universal church means membership in a local church as well. It is in a local church that followers of Jesus live out their lives in fellowship and on mission together.

Who is eligible for membership?

Anyone at Cornerstone identifying as a Christian and at least 13 years old is eligible for membership.

What are the requirements for membership?

Before becoming a member, you will be asked to meet with one or more of the pastors to share your faith story and address any questions you have. You will also be asked to read and confirm our Statement of Faith, Core Values, and membership checklist.

What advantages are there to becoming a member?

A member makes a commitment to a specific local body of believers. The local body in turn makes a commitment to the member. This mutual commitment solidifies and prioritizes the relationship, as when a child is adopted into a family. Membership also allows the church to affirm an individual’s profession of faith in Jesus—a blessing and protection for both the church and the individual.

How long does membership continue?

Membership is a mutual, open-ended commitment between a member and the church. It can be terminated by the member communicating to the pastors his or her decision to leave. Less commonly, the church can terminate an individual’s membership in the event of serious, unrepentant sin; this is called church discipline.

Is there a procedure for leaving?

A member considering leaving the church is encouraged to first seek counsel from the pastors. A member who decides to leave should communicate his or her intentions to the pastors.

What role can a non-member have in the church?

Believers who have not yet made the commitment to belong to the church can nevertheless participate in the life of the church. Sunday services and classes, small groups, ministries, prayer gatherings, counseling, and events like picnics and retreats are all open to non-members. To serve in leadership or teaching, you must be a member.

Can a non-member partake of the Lord’s Supper at Cornerstone?

Yes. At Cornerstone, the Lord’s Supper is open to any visiting or attending believer in Jesus. Parents of young children should have confidence that their child is a believer before allowing participation.

To be a member at this church, must I have been baptized at this church?

It is expected that a member will be a baptized believer, but the baptism need not have occurred at Cornerstone.

Must a member tithe to the church?

Though it is not a requirement, members are encouraged to tithe (give a tenth of their income) to the church as a way of practicing 1Timothy 5:17-18, Galatians 6:6, and Proverbs 3:9-10. Tithing is recommended as a starting point in a life of generosity, which is pleasing to the Lord (2 Corinthians 9:7).